For Individuals

In addition to face to face sessions we are continuing with the services we started during lockdown.  We offer a full range of digital skills help and training by phone and email, as follows –

FREE Help for Individuals – We have a team of Digital Champions ready to help you with anything digital. Maybe you are a complete beginner, you’re looking for work, need to find health information, or get in touch with family and friends. We can help you on the phone with many of these things. Just give us a call on 01223 800450 – you may need to leave a message, but we will call you back.

FREE Supported Access to Online Learning – We have a range of online learning courses you can do at home. We can help you set up a learning account and tell you about the courses available so you can find just what you are looking for. You just need to call us to set this up, and we will also provide a coach to call if you get stuck. Contact details above.

For further details about devices and data follow this link:  Internet Devices