
What is Accessibility?

Accessibility is about making changes or adjustments to computers so they are easier for people to access. All organisations need to ensure that their computers can be made accessible to those who have difficulty reading the screen, problems using the keyboard and mouse, or reading and writing difficulties. In most cases this can be achieved through making minor, low-cost changes to system settings, or adding low-cost alternative kit.

How we can help

Cambridge Online is able to provide a range of free ICT accessibility help and support services for individuals and third sector groups.

Support includes:
· accessibility assessments for individuals
· training resources and materials
· tailored accessibility training
· loan of alternative technology kit
· hands-on experience/exchange visits
· email support desk
· signposting to more help

Other Accessibility Resources

AbilityNet factsheets provide step-by-step guides to setting up your computer to meet your requirements. For example: Lists of keyboard shortcuts in Windows; Using a computer with a visual impairment; IT and learning difficulties


Depending on the needs of the person we’re working with, we might use different types of devices and software to help them access the computer more easily. Please see the excellent introduction to this field on AbilityNet’s site.