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Donate and Support our Work


As a small independent charity, Cambridge Online needs cash and equipment donations to continue supporting digitally excluded people. We rely on a team of volunteers to make our resources go as far as they can, but our annual running costs exceeds the grant we receive from Cambridge City Council.

We rely on raising funds through business sponsorship, fees, grants, and personal donations.
We also need equipment donations to pass on to our beneficiaries.
Thank you to everyone who supports us.


Help Us Meet the Increasing Demand

The need for digital skills and online access has never been so great.
To help us reach more people, we have launched a campaign to raise
£10,000 to meet the growing demand for digital skills training.
With your support, we can empower more people to navigate
the digital world confidently.

Donate now and be a part of this transformative journey!

For more information about our campaign: Click Here  or go to https://justgiving.com/campaign/cambridgeonline2024campaign




Equipment Donations

You can help our work by donating computer laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. All equipment should be in working order and have the appropriate power supply. To ensure they have a useful working life, we ask that laptops be Windows 7 or newer, and tablets/smartphones are ideally less than 3 years old but no more than 5 years old. Please include pins with any tablets/phones, else we probably cannot reuse them.

Equipment will be cleaned, data-wiped, tested, and redistributed to people and organizations in need, including schools, adults, children, and young people. If you want advice about data-wiping a device yourself, please follow this link: National Cyber Security Centre. If you are a business and want certified destruction of data, we can signpost you to businesses that offer this service directly to you.

Drop-off Information:

  • Location: Building 1, Allia Future Business Centre, Kings Hedges Rd, Cambridge CB4 2HY

  • Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30-16:00

  • Contact: Please call ahead on 01223 800450 due to our small team. Ask for Cambridge Online at reception upon arrival.

If you cannot get to the drop-off location or have a large amount of equipment to donate, please email us with details of your donation and your address, and we will try to arrange collection.

Financial Support and Sponsorship

We are also seeking cash support and sponsorship from individuals and businesses.

Here’s how your donation can make a difference:

  • £10: Refurbishes a Laptop with an SSD & helps get someone
  • £40: Provides a Mobile Wi-Fi device to a family for 6+ months
  • online
  • £200: Provides a computer & 4G to a person or family in need
  • £8,000: Pays running costs for one month
  • Donate Now

Please make a donation today: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/cambridgeonline2024campaign


Raise Money for Us Online 

EasyFundraising: Support us for free while shopping at over 4,000 shops and sites, including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com, and M&S. It won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds. Simply shop via EasyFundraising in the future. Click the logo below to join and get a tool to help you:

Give with Bing: Raise money for us for free by using Bing as your preferred search engine. Select Cambridge Online as your chosen charity for Microsoft Rewards points and participate in daily quizzes and other activities for bonus points.

Thank you for your support in helping us bridge the digital divide and transform lives through digital inclusion!


Our wonderful Sponsors & Funders are