Digital Exclusion: An Invisible Crisis Campaign


Join Us in Bridging the Digital Divide

In today’s interconnected world, the digital divide remains a significant barrier for many marginalized groups. At Cambridge Online, we are dedicated to providing digital skills training and access to technology for those most in need – the elderly, disabled individuals, ex-offenders, the homeless, refugees, and asylum seekers. Our mission is to ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age.

Why This Campaign Matters

Digital Exclusion: An Invisible Crisis is our summer campaign aimed at raising awareness and funds to tackle this urgent issue. With your help, we aim to raise £10,000 to support our efforts in bringing digital inclusion to those who need it most.

The Problem: Many people in our community are unable to access essential services, communicate with loved ones, or even apply for jobs because they lack basic digital skills and technology. This exclusion perpetuates cycles of poverty and isolation.

From Isolation to Connection. A grandfather is embracing their grandchild, displayed on a monitor screen.


How You Can Help

We invite you to support our campaign through our Just Giving page . Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a meaningful impact in empowering individuals through digital literacy and access to technology. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  1. Donate: Every pound brings us closer to our goal. For just £10, you can help refurbish a laptop and change someone’s life.
  2. Fundraise: Run a marathon, host a coffee morning, or organize a sponsored walk. Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to support our cause.
  3. Spread the Word: Share our campaign on social media, through WhatsApp, and within your networks to raise awareness about the digital exclusion crisis.

What Your Support Will Achieve

  • Training and Coaching: Provide tailored digital skills training and ongoing coaching to help individuals become proficient in using technology.
  • Access to Devices: Supply refurbished laptops, tablets, and smartphones to those who cannot afford them, along with necessary accessories like power supplies.
  • Online Connectivity: Offer free SIM cards and dongles to ensure individuals have reliable internet access.

Real Stories, Real Impact

Imagine being unable to access essential services, shop online, or book a GP appointment. For many, this is a daily reality. Your support can transform lives. Take Brian, for example. Once isolated and disengaged, Brian now uses his digital skills to stay connected with family, research his interests, and even mentor others in our program. Stories like Brian’s are what drive our mission forward.

Help Us Make a Difference

This summer, we aim to raise £10,000 through our Just Giving page to reach more people in need. Your donation is not just a transaction; it’s an investment in positive change. Together, we can bridge the digital divide and create opportunities for a brighter future for everyone in Cambridgeshire.


A donation of £5 will help us support someone in need, and larger donations help us achieve more:

  • £10: Refurbishes a Laptop with an SSD & helps get someone
  • £40: Provides a Mobile Wi-Fi device to a family for 6+ months
  • online
  • £200: Provides a computer & 4G to a person or family in need
  • £8,000: Pays running costs for one month

Donate today online:

Or use the QR Code:

Your trust and generosity are valued, and we assure you that every contribution directly benefits our cause. Thank you for considering our campaign and for being part of this inspiring movement.

Visit our Just Giving page to donate and support our work today.

Let’s stand together and make this vision a reality.