Cambridge Online draft privacy statement
Cambridge Online takes your privacy seriously. This statement explains how we collect and use “Personal data”.
“Personal data” or “personal information” is any information that identifies a living person. This can include your name, address, phone number or email address.
How we collect personal data
- Whenever you interact with us we may collect and store information about you. For example, when you apply for a job or volunteering opportunity, make a donation, submit an enquiry or otherwise give us any other personal information.
- When you sign up to use our services we collect information about you, where you live, but also about your next of kin, carers, your health or other medical information, funding details, and so on. We only use this information to help us provide our services to you, and to contact you, your family or carer if we need to share specific information about the service you receive from us.
- Third parties may share some information with us for a specific purpose. However, this will only happen if you have given them permission to share your information. For example, a support worker might contact us if they feel someone might benefit from our services.
We do not share any of this information with anyone else.
What data do we hold?
We process client information which may include:
- personal details such as where you live, your next of kin, carers, your GP contact details and so on.
- family details
- your health, lifestyle and social circumstances
- membership details
- services you receive
- financial and funding details
- education and employment details
We process supporter information which may include:
- personal details such as where you live, email address and so on
- fundraising info such as donations
We process staff and trustee information which may include:
- personal details such as where you live, email address, employment history and so on
We also process sensitive classes of information that may include:
- physical or mental health details
- racial or ethnic origin
- religious or other beliefs of a similar nature
We hold your personal data so that we can:
- Respond to your enquiry or request for information
- Communicate with you as:
- someone who uses our services, or
- a supporter, or
- a volunteer, or
- an applicant, current or former employee – if you apply to work at Cambridge Online, we use the information to process your application and to monitor recruitment statistics. Personal information about unsuccessful candidates will be held for 6 months after the recruitment exercise has finished – it will then be securely destroyed or deleted. We keep de-personalised statistical information about applicants for equal opportunities monitoring, however, no individuals can be identified from that data. Once someone has taken up employment with Cambridge Online, we compile a file about their employment. The information in this file will be kept secure and will only be used for purposes directly relevant to that person’s employment. Once their employment with us has ended, we will keep only the information required by our policies and then securely destroy or delete it.
We believe we have in place appropriate security measures to ensure the protection of your personal data, using appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and help prevent unauthorised access, maintain data security and correctly use the information we collect online.
Websites, cookies and social media
Websites: We use Astutium Ltd a UK based leading third-party web provider and analytics service to host our websites. It also collects anonymous information about your computer, including your IP address and browser type. This tells us, for example, the number of users viewing pages on the site, but it does not identify you individually. This means we can monitor and report on the effectiveness of the site and help us improve it.
Cookies: Cookies are little pieces of information, stored by the website on your computer. There are two types of cookies: session cookies, which your browser automatically deletes after leaving the site, and permanent cookies, which are not automatically deleted (but you can do that yourself).
Session cookies are used to enable certain types of services on the site. Disabling cookies may cause (parts of) the site to not work correctly.
Permanent cookies are used to store user settings, like your preferred language.
No personal data is stored in cookies, unless explicitly accepted by you.
Social media: If you contact us through social media (like Facebook and Twitter) we will respond to your messages but we will not save your details to use in any other way.
Use of media and consent
If you use our services we will have asked you for permission to use photos and video of you. This applies to
- photographs (with options such as including face, just back of head etc)
- video footage
- sound recordings, and
- quotes and case studies
If you have given us consent to use your photos etc we may use them in the following ways (you can opt in or out of any of these):
- on our website
- on social media and video-hosting platforms (for example Twitter, Facebook and YouTube)
- in information materials, such as leaflets, presentations, posters or fundraising material
- for broadcast and radio interviews, and
- for written press articles.
Expiry of consent
- Consent will be normally for five years but you can withdraw your consent at any time and images will not then be reused in future publications, and
- we will take reasonable steps to remove images from use and delete them from our photographic libraries and website etc. We are not able to guarantee that we can withdraw all images, videos or quotes that were published before you withdrew consent.
Looking at the information we hold about you
If you want to see the information we hold about you we will be happy to help, just send us a request in writing by letter or by email (contact details are shown below). Incorrect data can be changed, blocked or destroyed.
Changing your communication preferences
You can change your communication preferences with us at any time. You can choose whether we contact you by mail, telephone, email or text message, or not at all.
To find out more you can visit the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website: Our registration number is Z732326X
Version draft 1.1 24 May 2018